
‘My parents and daughter at home’; Supriya Sule confronted the aggressive protesters

Mumbai |

ST workers, who have been stationed at Azad Maidan for the last five months, on Friday stormed the residence of NCP’s Sarvesarva Sharad Pawar at Silver Oak. At this time, the ST workers started an aggressive agitation and shouted slogans against Sharad Pawar (Silver Oak Sharad Pawar News). The state government had rejected the demand of ST employees to merge ST Corporation with the state government. The High Court had later ordered the ST employees to resume work. The enraged ST workers shouted slogans at Sharad Pawar’s residence.

When the protesters became very aggressive, MP Supriya Sule suddenly came out of the house and confronted the protesters. I am ready to talk to you. Talk in a peaceful way, I am ready to listen to you, appealed Supriya Sule. However, the protesters were not ready to listen as they were in an aggressive mood. Throwing stones or slippers at us will not solve the problem. Protesters should discuss peacefully, I am ready to talk to you at this moment. My parents and daughter are at home. Let me assure you of their safety first. After this, I am ready to discuss with the ST agitators, said Supriya Sule.

  • ‘Will you bring back my departed husband and son?’

While Supriya Sule was trying to calm down the protesters, a woman asked them, “Will you bring back my departed husband and son?” If there was so much compassion for the employees, the blood of the employees should not have been drunk. You are trying to grab the ST of the common man. We condemn this government, ”the ST workers said.

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