
Get rid of forehead wrinkles with homemade face pack…!

Pune : Due to aging and not taking proper care of the skin, its effect is clearly visible on the face. This reduces the glow of the face and the skin starts to become loose. At the same time, many women face the problem of wrinkles on the forehead. These lines on the forehead act as a beauty and scar. In that case, if you are also suffering from this, here are 3 special homemade face packs for you. Applying this will help you get rid of these wrinkles on your forehead and will help to brighten your face.

1) Cocoa Powder and Olive Oil Face Pack:-

You can apply a face pack of cocoa powder and olive oil to get rid of these lines on the forehead. For this, mix 1-1 tablespoon of cocoa powder and olive oil in a bowl. Make a smooth paste of the mixture and apply it on the affected area or all over the face. Leave it for 20 minutes. Then wash it off with clean water. After a few days of continuous application you will feel the difference

2) Olive oil and honey face pack :-

You can try olive oil and honey face pack to get rid of forehead lines. It will help remove the raised lines on your forehead and bring a glow to your face. For this, mix 1-1 tbsp of olive oil and honey in a bowl. Mix both well and apply on forehead or all over face before sleeping. Leave it overnight. Next morning wash your face with clean water. Apply this face pack 2 to 3 times a week. You will start to see the difference within a few days.

3) Carrot and Egg Face Pack :-

Beta-carotene and iodine in carrots are considered beneficial in reducing wrinkles. Along with this, the nutrients present in eggs help in tightening the loose skin. In such cases, you can apply a carrot and egg face pack to get rid of these lines and wrinkles on the forehead. For this, mix 1 egg white and grated carrot in a bowl and apply on the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse it with clean water. To get better and faster results, use this face pack twice a week.

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