
Cleaning of seven and a half thousand km long sea coast under ‘Swachh Sagar Sarkesh Sagar’ campaign


Campaign in the country from 5th July to 17th September 2022 on the occasion of Amrit Mahotsav of Indian Independence

New Delhi. MahaeNews. Special Representative.

Coastal Cleanliness Campaign – Clean Sea, Safe Sea Coastal Cleanliness Campaign is a 75-day campaign launched by the government to clean the coastline and create awareness about “Clean Sea, Safe Sea”. The meeting was held on Tuesday, September 13 under the chairmanship of Union Minister of State for Geology, Jitendra Singh. This important campaign was planned in this meeting. Union Minister of State for Geology Dr. Jitendra Singh informed that in the first 20 days of the ongoing 75-day coastal cleaning drive, more than 200 tonnes of garbage, mainly single-use plastics, were removed from the beaches. Dr. Jitendra Singh happily said that so far more than 5200 volunteers from 24 states have registered for the 75-day long coastal cleaning drive.

Coastal Cleanup Campaign About the Coastal Cleanup Campaign:

Kanari Swachhta Himiham is a 75-day campaign launched by the government to clean the coastal beaches and create awareness about “Clean Sea, Safe Sea”.
Campaign Duration: The 75-day Coastal Cleanup Campaign was launched on July 5, 2022 and will end on September 17, 2022 on “International Coastal Cleanup Day”.
Mandate: Coastal Cleanliness Campaign aims to inspire the entire country to keep India’s 7500 km coastline clean, safe and healthy for mankind.
Major Activities: Apart from beach litter removal, campaign pledge, street drama, cycle rally for plastic free, beach cleaning and tree plantation, awareness among local communities about coastal cleaning campaign completed in last 20 days were done.
Parent Ministry: Ministry of Earth Sciences has launched a 75-day coastal cleaning campaign.
The Ministry of Earth Sciences is taking the lead but at the same time calling for a “hole in government” approach.
Involvement: The Ministry of Earth Sciences will motivate NGOs, citizen groups, children and youth forums, business houses (corporate), non-profit organizations, consular staff as well as municipalities of coastal states to convert into a mass movement.
Ministers and MPs pledged their full support to the world’s longest-running coastal clean-up campaign.

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