
Who is the Industries Minister?; Traitor…! Criticism of Aditya Thackeray in Ratnagiri


Ratnagiri. MahaeNews. Special Representative.

Aditya Thackeray is on a tour of Ratnagiri district today. He interacted with Shiv Sainiks in Ratnagiri. During the speech, he once again called Industries Minister Uday Samant a traitor. This time there was a juggling act between Aditya Thackeray and Shiv Sainiks. Aditya was talking about Vedanta project being shifted to Gujarat. Then he once again called Industry Minister Uday Samant a traitor. Who is the Industries Minister? He asked this question to the Shiv Sainiks. The Shiv Sainiks who gathered for the meeting replied that they are traitors. Shiv Sainiks hailed Aditya as a traitor for asking this question 3 times.

Projects out of state during Double Engine Govt.–
On this occasion, Aditya Thackeray announced that fifty boxes were totally okke. Aditya Thackeray criticized that messages are sent that don’t call them traitors, but if the Khoke government is not a traitor, what else can be called. Dirty politics is going on in the state. The project went out of state during the Double Engine Govt. The traitor government is not aware of the development works. It is an extra-constitutional government of traitors. At this time, Aditya Thackeray made a direct attack on the Shinde government saying that he even admits that he has overthrown the government for the sake of the box. Aditya Thackeray criticized that the truth of this government is the danger for Maharashtra.

Tour on the trust of Shiv Sainiks –
Today they are on a tour of Ratnagiri district. During this tour, their safety is being questioned. Aditya Thackeray has Z security. The state home department has provided security guards for the security of Aditya Thackeray. However, they were not given cars. Aditya Thackeray commented on this. How many security guards should be given for my security, should they be given cars or not? This question belongs to the government. It is their responsibility. Shiv Sainiks are with me. Aditya Thackeray said that I am doing this tour on his trust.

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