
Why are the youth in Pune district turning to crime? Shocking reality all in front

Pune: The city of Pune, once known as the home of learning, has been the talk of the town for the past few years. There has been a huge increase in crime in and around Pune, with the involvement of young children. The names of Santosh Jadhav and Saurabh Mahakal alias Saurabh Hirman Kamble have been mentioned in the murder of Punjabi singer Sidhu Musewala.

After the murder of Sidhu Musewala, two criminals from Pune district suddenly came on the radar of the police. The police also arrested both of them with extreme arrogance. The shocking thing is that both of these criminals have been involved in crime since they were minors. Saurabh Mahakal had stolen a relative’s mobile charger at the age of 10. He was later evicted by his relatives. Also, after losing his father’s umbrella over Santosh Jadhav’s head, he stayed in the company of bad friends and his steps turned towards crime.

  • Family background
    Santosh Jadhav has no father and Saurabh Mahakal has no mother. Saurabh Mahakal’s mother had set herself on fire over a domestic dispute. At that time, Saurabh was only 10 years old. He is now 19 years old. Saurabh’s father is a driver and after his wife left, he became addicted. So Saurabh is said to have turned to this crime as there was no one to pay attention to him. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Both of these criminals had created panic in the area where they lived.
  • Further contact in Junnar, Ambegaon taluka
    Saurabh Mahakal’s childhood was spent in Narayangaon area of ​​Junnar taluka. It is learned that his education took place around 7th standard. Many of his relatives live in Junnar taluka and he used to visit them. Saurabh has been known to be a criminal from the very beginning. Santosh and Saurabh are said to have come together after the Bankhele murder case in Manchar. Santosh Jadhav is also not well educated and is in touch with many minors in the tribal areas of Ambegaon taluka.
  • Parents need to pay attention

    Santosh Jadhav and Saurabh Mahakal, two juvenile offenders, have brought many things to light. Parents need to pay more attention to their children if they want to prevent juvenile delinquency. Parents need to know who their child’s friends are and what their background is.
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