
What’s the point of holding elections where there is no rain ?; Supreme Court questions Election Commission

New Delhi: A hearing was held in the Supreme Court today regarding the local body elections in the state. This time, the Supreme Court has asked the Election Commission what is the point of holding elections where there is no rain?

The state Election Commission had in September filed an application in the Supreme Court for holding Municipal, Zilla Parishad and Nagar Panchayat elections. However, the Maharashtra government, citing rains, said more time was needed for local body elections. However, there was talk that the alliance government was unhappy with the state Election Commission filing the petition in the Supreme Court without any consultation. Therefore, everyone’s attention was focused on what was happening in the Supreme Court today.

The Supreme Court has asked what is the point of holding elections where there is less rain. Also, the Supreme Court has suggested that the State Election Commission should prepare a structure after conducting a district-wise review of the state. It will be important to see what role the Election Commission plays in this.

An application filed by the State Election Commission in the Supreme Court has said that local body elections in the state should be held in September or October. However, the state government had suggested not holding elections from June to September, citing rains. But now the Supreme Court has suggested that there is no problem in holding elections where there is no problem of rain.

Mumbai and Konkan region receive high rainfall from June to September. However, Vidarbha, Marathwada and Western Maharashtra receive less rainfall than that, so elections are likely to be held in September in Vidarbha, Marathwada. The apex court has also said that the state election commission should conduct a state-wise review and formulate elections accordingly.

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