
Sharad Pawar’s controversial statement on the issue of women’s reservation; A question was raised on the mentality of North India


Pune. MahaeNews. Special Representative.

NCP President Sharad Pawar has targeted the people of North India over the issue of women’s reservation in Parliament. Due to this statement of Pawar, the political circle has once again created excitement. Responding to a question on the Women’s Reservation Bill, which would reserve 33 per cent seats for women in the Lok Sabha and all assemblies, he said, “I have been talking about this issue in the Parliament since I was a member of the Congress in the Lok Sabha.”

North India, questions raised on the mindset of Parliament
In a program organized by Pune Doctors Association, Sharad Pawar has questioned the mindset of North India and Parliament on the issue of women’s reservation in Lok Sabha and Legislative Assembly. Sharad Pawar said that the mentality of North India and Parliament is still not favorable to give reservation to women in Lok Sabha and Assembly. Pawar and his daughter and Lok Sabha MP Supriya Sule were also present at the event.

All parties should try for women’s reservation
Responding to a question on the Women’s Reservation Bill, which would reserve 33 per cent seats for women in the Lok Sabha and all assemblies, Pawar said, “I have been talking about this issue in Parliament since I was a member of the Congress in the Lok Sabha. All parties should try to pass this bill.

A question was raised on the MPs of the party
The mentality of Parliament especially North India has not been favorable on this issue, I remember, when I was a Lok Sabha MP in Congress, I used to speak on the issue of women’s reservation in Parliament. When I looked back after my speech, most of the MPs from my party would have got up and left. I mean even my party people don’t want to accept it. Sharad Pawar said that when I was the Chief Minister of Maharashtra, I had started reservation for women in local bodies like Zilla Parishad, Panchayat Samiti. At first there was resistance but later people accepted it.

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