
Regular yoga is the foundation of a healthy life; Opinion of social activist Vinayak Aba More

Free camp in Chikhali on the occasion of International Yoga Day
Pimpri: Citizens who practiced yoga during epidemics like Kovid. As a result, the immune system of many remained effective. Therefore, the citizens who practice yoga have successfully overcome the corona. You should do regular yoga practice without celebrating a single day of yoga. This is the foundation of a healthy life, said social activist Vinayak Aba More.
On the occasion of World Yoga Day, a free yoga pranayama and meditation camp was organized at Chikhali under the guidance of BJP city president and MLA Mahesh Landage and through Vinayak Aba More and Sonam More. The citizens of the area responded spontaneously to this camp.
Vinayak Aba More said that yoga has a tradition of thousands of years. Yoga should be practiced for peace of mind and good health in daily stressful life. Yogasana lessons were imparted to the citizens of Chikhali and surrounding areas through free yoga camps. Senior citizens, women responded well. This Yoga Day should be celebrated regularly, not just for one day.
Sonam More said that International Yoga Day is being celebrated all over the world. Yoga is a part of our ancient Indian tradition. This is the gift that India has given to mankind. There is a holistic approach to health and wellness. Yoga should be a part of your life. This year’s concept of ‘Yoga for Humanity’ should be rooted in the minds of the people.

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