
Parents beware : Monkeypox-like rash; The risk of tomato fever infection in children is more…!

Pune : After corona and monkeypox, now tomato fever is spreading rapidly in the country. Therefore, the Ministry of Health has expressed concern. Tomato fever is caused by an enterovirus. Experts say that tomato fever in children can also be a result of chikungunya or dengue fever.

82 cases of tomato fever have been reported in Kerala. So, 26 children have fallen ill in Odisha. The age of all these is below 9 years, says the Lancet Respiratory Journal report.

What is tomato fever?

Tomato fever or tomato flu is considered a form of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD). It is called tomato fever because in this disease, blisters or rashes of tomato size and color appear on the patient’s body, Times of India has published information.

Symptoms of tomato fever

-The Lancet reports that tomato fever causes a monkeypox-like rash on the body.

– Children who have low immunity are more likely to get infected with this disease.

-Symptoms of tomato fever include fever, muscle aches, fatigue, joint pain, itching, vomiting, etc.

How is this fever spread?

-The first case of tomato fever was reported on May 6 in Kollam, Kerala.

– Children between 1 to 5 years of age have started showing symptoms of this.

– At present this disease is spreading more in children only. There can be many reasons for this, such as living in unhygienic places and touching dirty things.

– Children share many things from toys, food and clothes, which increases the risk of spreading infection. This means that like other viral infections, this disease is more likely to spread through contact.

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