
Important News! … So trains will not run across the country on 31st May ?, read more

New Delhi: If the government (Railway Ministry) does not take timely measures, the wheels of railways across the country are likely to stop on the 31st of this month. Because it is known that all station masters of Indian Railways will go on collective leave. About 35,000 station masters across the country have issued notices to the Railway Board due to the depression in the railways. It has been announced that it will go on strike on May 31.

  • Why are station masters going on collective leave?

According to Dhananjay Chandratre, president of the All India Station Masters Association, the railway station masters have decided to go on collective leave. The biggest reason for this is the current shortage of more than 6,000 station masters across the country. Moreover, the railway administration does not recruit for this post. As a result, only two station masters are currently employed at more than half of the stations in the country.

Although the station masters shift is eight hours, they have to work 12 hours a day due to shortage of staff. On the day when the station master is on leave, the employee has to be called from another station. In such a situation, if the health of any employee deteriorates or an emergency situation arises in their house, there is an outcry. The workers have decided to go on strike as they have not been able to resolve the issue despite several complaints. If this happens then the passengers will have to suffer a lot. He said that the decision of the Station Masters Association was not taken suddenly. The railway administration has not agreed to their demands, hence the decision.

  • What are the demands?

1) Fast filling of all vacancies in Railways.

2) To give night duty allowance to all railway employees without any maximum limit.

3) To provide MACP benefit in the category of Station Masters from 01.01.2016 instead of 16.02.2018.

4) Restructuring of cadres with revised designations.

5) To provide security and stress allowance to station masters for their contribution for safe and timely running of trains.

6) Stop privatization and corporatization of railways.

7) Closing the new pension scheme and implementing the old pension scheme.

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