
Baliraja’s Elgar again, we made a mistake in the past, but not now, warning of agitation by approving 16 resolutions

Ahmednagar : A special Gram Sabha was held at Puntamba today on the issues of farmers. In this Gram Sabha, 16 resolutions of various demands of farmers have been approved and if the government does not fulfill these demands, the villagers have warned that the agitation will start from June 1. We may have made some mistakes when we first went on strike. But we learned from it. Now we are going to take this movement forward on the strength of this experience. People from all walks of life can support us. However, they want to put aside their party shoes and come together under the banner of Kisan Kranti. The agitation will be for all the farmers in the state and Puntamba will be its center. The villagers of Punatamba have decided that we will take the agitation forward with everyone.

Sarpanch Dr. A special Gram Sabha was held under the chairmanship of Dhananjay Dhanwate.

Sarpanch Dr. A special Gram Sabha was held under the chairmanship of Dhananjay Dhanwate. In it, 16 resolutions on farmers’ issues have been sent to the government. If no positive decision is taken on this, then a sit-in agitation will be organized in the village from 1st to 5th June. While giving information about this, Dr. Dhanwate said that there may have been some mistakes in the past. Just as all organizations have groups, so do farmers’ organizations. This movement is not just for Pune. For all farmers in the state. So we are going to discuss with all the organizations. The agitation will be carried out with the organizations that will come along. This movement is going to be non-partisan.

Now we also have experience and data. It will be used.

We learned a lot from the previous movement. Now we also have experience and data. It will be used. This time the movement will be more intense and effective than the previous one. This time the agitation will definitely be bigger than 2017 and 2019. Dhanwate also said that the recent farmers’ agitation near Delhi was inspired by his own agitation.

This agitation in the state will take place under the banner of Kisan Kranti.

Just as the agitation in Delhi took place under the banner of Samyukta Kisan Morcha, so the agitation in the state will take place under the banner of Kisan Kranti. This movement will not be affiliated with any political party. No political leader will lead it. However, whether it is the ruling party or the opposition, we can support it. When they come together, they want to put the party aside and come together as a peasant revolution. The agitation will be held in such a manner and a meeting of office bearers will be held tomorrow. Dhanwate said.

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