
Sharad Pawar targets BJP from NCP National Convention


New Delhi. MahaeNews. Special Representative.

The National Convention of the Nationalist Congress Party is going on in Delhi. It will be interesting to see what new role the NCP will take from this session in the background of the upcoming 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Previously, Sharad Pawar was reappointed as National President of NCP in a meeting yesterday, his official announcement will also be made in this convention. Today, it was seen that Sharad Pawar targeted the Modi government at the Center from various points in his speech. Which mainly included the economic condition of the country, farmer suicides, violence against women and social and religious disputes.

Sharad Pawar said, “We have got inspiration from great men like Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, Shahu Maharaj, Mahatma Phule, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar. We consider it our first duty to work with their inspiration and ideology. We are proud of the fact that NCP wants to work as a progressive party. If you look at the history of Shivaji Maharaj, he has presented one thing to all of us and that is, he showed self-respect by not bowing down to the throne of Delhi. Today we are gathered in a historic ground in Delhi’s Talkatora Ground. It was from this place that the Peshwas challenged the government of Delhi. I am happy that our Adhivashana is being held today at the place from where the Delhi throne was challenged.”

“We are celebrating seventy-five years of our independence. The country saw some crises and political ups and downs during this year. During this period, we also saw that our neighboring countries, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, had dictatorships. Which affected the government there, parliamentary democracy. The power was in the hands of a few people. There have been many changes in the country in the last 75 years, we need to seriously look into the problems of certain sections of society. Today, India is not only self-sufficient in food, food production, but the farmers of India meet the grain requirements of many countries of the world. We are all proud of our farmers. But, unfortunately we also see cases of farmer suicides in this country. We have seen that last year farmers protested against the three agricultural laws of the central government in Delhi. The Government of India was not ready to listen to the farmers. The world saw this farmers’ movement. The Nationalist Congress Party protects the interests of the peasantry and the agricultural sector and will always do so. Even if the time comes for farmers to fight again and again, we should be prepared.” Sharad Pawar also said this at this time.

Along with this, “Dynamic development is needed today along with creating and maintaining national unity. Some communal elements consistently want to divide the society on the basis of caste and religion. This is a very big threat to all especially women, minorities, dalits, tribals. After being elected, we take an oath to respect the Constitution and all religions. But some even after taking the oath try to instill fear in the minority by taking controversial stances on issues like Hindutva, temples or mosques. So we have to be vigilant.” Saying this, Sharad Pawar took aim.

So, “Inflation has reached an unprecedented level in the country today. The prices of petrol, diesel, gas, grains have skyrocketed. Rising taxes have created a huge burden on the common man. The rupee is experiencing an unprecedented decline against the dollar. This could have adverse effects on the economy.” Saying this, Sharad Pawar put his finger on the economic situation of the country.

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