
Revenue department tops bribery in the state; What is the number of Maharashtra Police?

Mumbai: Across the country, bribery was reduced to a certain extent due to corona and lockdown. But now, once again, corruption is rampant in the state. The revenue department and the Maharashtra Police are the second largest bribe seekers this year. (ACB)

In the last six months, the Anti-Bribery Department has registered cases against 314 officials. Of these, 72 officers are from the revenue department. So, a complaint has been lodged against 67 officers of the police department. At the same time, 19 officers of Mumbai Municipal Corporation have been arrested. The ACB has set a trap and arrested the officials who accepted the bribe. There are 20 Zilla Parishads, 29 Panchayat Samiti, 6 Forest Department Officers, 7 Public Works Departments and 13 Education Officers.

The ACB has registered 314 cases in the last six months. Of these, 306 cases have been set up and taken into custody. A total bribe of Rs 14.3 crore was demanded in this case.

More bribes than a month’s earnings

Mumbai Police Constable Suresh Bamne and his wife 12. He is accused of soliciting bribe of Rs 7 crore. The amount demanded is 1,500% more than their salary. On the other hand, Nitin Patankar of Mumbai Municipal Corporation was also charged with soliciting a bribe of Rs 38.3 lakh. The bribe was 45% more than their monthly income.

Last month, the ACB had filed a case against BJP MLA Narendra Mehta and his wife. Investigations have revealed that between January 1, 2006 and August 31, 2015, Mehta amassed assets worth Rs 8.25 crore more than his income.

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