
Accused arrested for slandering father Leki’s relationship for 11 years

Aurangabad: At the tender age of six, the birth father had a bad eye on his own daughter. She was sexually abused at home. After suffering in hell for 11 years, the girl ran away from home. After receiving a complaint that the girl had been abducted, the police searched for her. Mukundwadi and Pundalikanagar police filed a case without any delay and arrested accused Naradham Bapa today.

According to police, a 17-year-old girl was abducted at Mukundwadi police station. Police traced the missing girl and brought her to Aurangabad from Parbhani district. He was brought to Mukundwadi police station. The girl would have been questioned by the female officers in Thane. She told the police that her father was abusing her.

When she was only 6 years old, her father’s evil eye fell on her. From then on, the birth father was sexually abusing her. She endured this hellish torment for 11 years. One and a half months ago, the accused father again raped the girl against his will. She had fled to a friend in Parbhani district, she told police. Mukundwadi police have arrested the accused under the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse Act. As this case is within the limits of Pundalikanagar Police Thane, it has been classified by Zero, informed Police Inspector Brahma Giri. Earlier, the accused was convicted in a case of abduction of a seven-year-old girl, police inspector Brahma Giri said. Mukundwadi police inspector Brahma Giri said that the accused had abducted a 7-year-old girl in 2013 and was convicted by the court.

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